Welcome to roamPy’s documentation!

roamPy is a python library of API wrapper functions to retrieve data from the roam.plus platform. Includes the Roam python class which has one method corresponding to each API endpoint including, Subscriptions, SubscriptionPeriods, Products and Licenses.


pip install roamPy

Get Started

How to test connection to the Roam server:

from roamPy import Roam
import os

#API Key stored as system variable
token = os.environ.get('Roam_API_Key')

#Instantiate object of Roam class
roam = Roam(url=<base url of roam instance>, token=token)

#Test connection

Successful Connection Output:

{'data': None, 'meta': {'message': 'API ready for requests'}}

Request metadata for a given subscription using its id number:

#Return Data for Subscription using ID.
sub = roam.getOneSubscription(id = 'id number')


Retreive data for all subscription periods between two dates:

allSPBetween = roam.getSubscriptionPeriodsBetween(startDate='2020-01-01', endDate='2021-01-01')


Retreive all licenses and relations:

licRel = roam.getLicenseswRels(['licensePeriods', 'publisher'])



Indices and tables